Month: August 1994

When You Are Hated

As I was reading about Romanian believers who stood for Christ in the face of imprisonment, torture, and death, I thought of our Lord’s exhortation, “Do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul” (Matt. 10:28). All through church history, imprisoned and suffering Christians have found comfort in the assurance that God would deliver them—either back to their loved ones on earth or through death to the company of the saints already in heaven.

Needed: A Tender Heart

On December 12, 1938, Soviet leader Joseph Stalin signed 30 lists of death sentences. Yet on that very night the callous tyrant went to his personal theater and watched two comedies. Stalin’s biographer, Dmitri Volkogonov, wonders how any human being could have a heart so hardened that he could smile and laugh after commanding the killing of some 5,000 victims, many of whom he knew personally.

The Drive for Perfection

Along the country road that our family takes to a favorite recreational spot is a house that we always notice. Every time we pass it, someone calls out, “Perfect house!”

Keep at It!

They know Tom Dotson pretty well in the prisons of Michigan. They ought to. He has spent one-third of his 38 years as an inmate.

“I’m Justified!”

One day Bible teacher and evangelist R. A. Torrey spoke with a woman who lacked assurance that her sins were forgiven. He told her to read aloud Acts 13:39, “By Him everyone who believes is justified from all things.”

Living Like an Atheist?

A Gallup poll taken in 1993 indicates that only about 4 percent of the world’s population are atheists. It appears that God is quite popular!

Erma’s Legacy

Erma Bombeck is one of America’s most well-loved writers. A homemaker, wife, and mother who writes about the foibles and follies of everyday existence in the home, Bombeck has parlayed her wit and wisdom into a successful syndicated newspaper column and a remarkable string of bestselling books.

Rocks in a Hard Place

Has God called you to live as a rock in a hard place? Let me explain what I mean by that.

Climate Control

It’s one of the few places on earth where the air is as fresh and clean as it must have been millennia ago. Constant winds keep out pollution and germs, and the climate discourages the growth of native viruses.